Course curriculum
Welcome to Finish Your Green Belt
Resource Guide: Terms, Acronyms, Book Links, and Video Links
Meet Your Instructor - Amanda Zimmerman
DMAIC Project Template (PowerPoint)
Module 1: Scoping
Scoping Objectives and Deliverables
How to find ideas for potential projects
Is my project idea a good fit for a Lean Six Sigma project?
Considerations if this is your first Lean Six Sigma Project
How to vet the projects you select using the Champion Interview
How to choose the project to focus on
Weekly Progress for DMAIC Projects
Module 2: Define
Define Objectives and Deliverables
How to complete a Project Contract or Charter
How to Title Your Project
How to write a Problem Statement
How to lead an Input Process Output (IPO) Activity
Your role in linking Subject Matter Experts and Management
How to convince people to change
Module 3: Measure
Measure Phase Deliverables and Objectives
The 3 data analysis types you need for project success
A simple way to develop your analysis plan
How to use Ghost Charts and Tables to simplify data requests
Six ways to identify quality issues with your data
Understanding the importance of direct and indirect project benefits
Tips for presenting data in an honest and clear way
Module 4: Analyze
Analyze Phase Deliverables and Objectives
What is Root Cause Analysis?
Understanding how incidents (and defects) often occur
Avoid listing these as root causes
What Root Cause Analysis tool to use if you get stuck
Module 5: Improve
Improve Phase Deliverables and Objectives
How our thinking works throughout the Project to find the right improvement
How to move people into creative and innovative brainstorming
How to push your team to find the BEST improvements using the Hierarchy of Controls
Tips on how to ensure a successful Improve Phase
What to expect from implementing improvements during the Improve Phase
The Project Action Item List
Action Item List Template
Using the Gantt Chart
How people may feel as you implement changes
How to better understand and deal with the team's resistance to change
How to present and summarize your Before / After data
Module 6: Control
Control Phase Deliverables and Objectives
Why structured problem solving creates lasting transformative change
How to Facilitate with Confidence
How to create an engaging presentation